It goes without saying, but how is our little baby an 18-month-old toddler???? We have seen so many changes in Miss E these last few months. She has words! She will try and repeat a lot of what we say to her, but the coolest part is the words she has learned and uses them correctly on her own! So just so we can keep track (since this is our baby book) here are her words at 18 months:
Mama - although she's starting to say "Mommy" instead
Ta-too (Thank you)
All done
Bye Bye
Jessi (our babysitter)
Down (for telling us she wants to go downstairs)
Step (the actual sound she makes when she is going down stairs)
Up (for telling us she wants to go upstairs)
Airplane (although I didn't realize until now, it turns out there are a lot of airplanes in the sky where we live - E finds them all for us! - this has also suggested to us that she has my eyesight rather than eric's - he can't see airplanes without his glasses)
More (she still does the sign for more when she says it)
Wash (when she wants to wash her hands - a favorite game now is to draw with marker on her hands and then ask to wash them)
Trash (she also loves to put things in the trash can)
Blue (although anytime you ask her what color something is she says "blue" - today on her sheet from school it said she was the first one of her friends during "circle time" to identify that something was blue)
Nana (banana)
Andrew (her friend at school that used to bite her)
Desi and Jack - she knows her kitties' names!
She also likes animal sounds - Moo, Baa, Shhh (snake), Rhaaa (Dinosaur) Duck-Duck (that's what a duck says), "eee eee" (doggie), t-t-t-t (squirel)
She knows body parts: eyes, nose, mouth, head, shoulders, knees, toes, fingers, belly, ears, tongue, teeth.
She can pick up her Desi kitty and carry her to another room.
She loves sitting on the potty. This started at school so we went and purchased one. So far she hasn't done anything in the potty, but she sure likes to sit there!
She loves reading books. She surprised the heck out of us last weekend by finding a picture book and pointing out "shoe" "ball" and "apple". We hadn't looked at that book in months and she'd never pointed out the pictures before.
She is so much fun right now! We love our little girl!