Poor Elizabeth has her first ear infection! Combined with the teething, she is not a particularly happy girl! I think we've got the ear infection under control now - she likes the taste of the antibiotic. Of course, now we have clothes, burp cloths and changing table covers covered with pink medicine!
Anyway, here is a video from her helping her mommy cook the other night.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Helping Mommy Cook
Posted by Kristin at 8:22 PM 2 comments
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Elizabeth and Mamie
On Friday, Mimi picked Elizabeth up from school and took her to visit Mamie and Poppa. I think everyone had a good time!
Posted by Kristin at 9:59 PM 0 comments
Elizabeth has found her toes! And isn't this the coolest quilt? Her Mamie (not to be confused with Mimi) made this for the babies - it's an "I Spy" quilt. When she is a little older, we can say "I spy a skunk" or "I spy a red bird" or "I spy a daisy" and she can hunt on the quilt for it. Pretty cool huh?
Posted by Kristin at 9:04 PM 2 comments
Friday, April 24, 2009
Elizabeth is Five Months Old
Elizabeth is 5 months old! How can that be???? She is so much fun these days - can really interact with us and play with her toys. She's so observant of everything and everyone around her. And she will pretty much smile and laugh at anyone who talks to her!
The last week or so she's been pretty miserable with the whole teething thing - I can't see any just yet, but the way she is chewing on everything and holding her mouth tells us we are teething. (Plus my mom and the ladies at daycare who actually have some experience with this have also said she's teething.) It seems like a horrible horrible thing for a person to have to go through. But I keep reminding her that we have to do this so we get to eat yummy food later on.
Speaking of food, she's eating about one container of fruits or veggies every night now. So far she likes green beans, sweet potatoes, green peas, and apple sauce. She does NOT like bananas. She can take or leave baby oatmeal, but doesn't care for the rice cereal. And I think as a result of eating real food, she is sleeping better at night - the last two nights she's only gotten up once! This is huge for us. She is still very much a morning person - but she sometimes gets confused and thinks its time to get up at 4:00am.
She can roll over - both ways - but she doesn't do it all the time. She's working on sitting up. In the bumbo, she's pretty good.She really likes music - even her momma's singing! Finally someone who can appreciate my voice! Her favorite song is the ABC's - really! Even when she's really unhappy, she will almost always start smiling if you sing the ABC's. This octopus makes music - each of his legs makes a different note. She's not strong enough to squeeze it to make the music, but she likes us to do it for her.
Last weekend we did our first road trip with the girl. We went down to Austin for cousin Boston's baptism. She did great the way down - slept almost the entire time. And she enjoyed her first stay in a hotel - here she is checking out her new digs.And here she is accidentally punching her momma in the face. She thought it was pretty funny!
Here we are ready for church! I didn't get any pictures after we left the hotel (and not a single one of the man of honor - Boston! - so sorry!!!) because this was about as happy as Miss Elizabeth was all day. It pretty much went downhill from here. But I still love this picture!
Here's a full length view of Elizabeth - with her white patent leather shoes!
Boston was such a good boy during the service and we were very excited to get to be there with him. If E hadn't been quite so unhappy about the teething issue, perhaps I would have been better with the picture-taking. Next time!
Today we went over to Katie and Paul's house for Shed Fest - as Katie said "any excuse for a party." Elizabeth and I didn't end up staying very long - again with this darn teething! But we had fun while were there! Sorry we missed you Juliette!
It was a very warm day, so Elizabeth got to wear some summer clothes - and a hat!
She liked Laura!Here's Cody and Daddy during the 42 game.
Then we came home and played on the floor. Look at those blue eyes!
And a funny face!
Oh yeah - Elizabeth has found her toes! They are now her favorite toy. What a big girl she is!
Posted by Kristin at 3:43 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
Elizabeth's Homework
Elizabeth came home from school with homework today! This poster started off black and white and we turned it in to the masterpiece you see here. Who knew the 4-month old would have homework!
Posted by Kristin at 8:27 PM 3 comments
More Easter Pics
Posted by Kristin at 8:17 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Elizabeth had a great Easter. The Easter bunny brought her a few things this morning - a big giant pillow (not sure what the baby girl will be doing with this), a purple bunny, a yellow chick rattle, a taggies book and a peter rabbit book. No candy this year!

Her Nana Elaine brought her another Easter basket! She loves the purple ducky that was in it - its the perfect size.

Here is Mique with cousin Alec.

Posted by Kristin at 8:12 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Coloring Easter Eggs
Tonight we colored Easter Eggs with Elizabeth. Although several people (who will remain nameless) told me perhaps Elizabeth is too young to appreciate it this year, I think she enjoyed it very much!

Posted by Kristin at 7:05 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
A Visit with Cousin Boston
This weekend Elizabeth's cousin Boston was in town with his momma and daddy. Boston is 6 weeks older than Elizabeth. The babies had a lot of fun with each other!

Posted by Kristin at 7:56 PM 1 comments