Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, April 8, 2011

Henry Christian is here!

Poor boy - he's over 3 weeks old and I haven't yet blogged about him - the curse of the second child! Well, our sweet Henry is here and he is great! He arrived via planned c-section on March 15 weighing 10 lbs, 15 oz! The operating room was full of shock and surprise when they pulled him out - even before they weighed him - my big boy!  Having had a baby both ways now, I can, with authority, say that the c-section is the way to go.  The procedure was easy and so was the recovery - I was amazed how easy!

Our family of four is doing great! Elizabeth had a little bit of an adjustment period where she was having some temper tantrums and not sleeping well, but she's doing great now.  And she loves "Baby Henry".  She likes to cover him with his blanket - and has learned not to cover his head, likes to give him his paci, and tell us if he's sleeping or crying.  In her world, these are the only things Henry does. So far he is an easy baby - he hardly ever cries - just wimpers a little to tell you he's displeased.  He does prefer to be held and putting him down seems to be the only thing - other than hunger - that displeases the boy.

Here's some pictures of his first 3 weeks!