I haven't had a chance to post all about Elizabeth being 1 because she's been a sick little girl since last Sunday. We thought it was just a cold and then went to the doctor who saw the beginning of an ear infection. Then went back to the doctor after 2 nights of 103+ fever and the doctor diagnosed it as sinusitus. But then today - 6 days in - she developed a rash all over her torso. A call to the doctor and then confirmation by internet research tells us she has roseola - a common viral infection babies and toddlers get that includes a high fever for several days and then a rash when the fever breaks. The good news is that it's one of those that you get once and then never again. And boy is that good news - no one in our house has been sleeping all week. Hopefully the rash means the worst is over. Of course we were started on antibiotics when they thought it was an ear infection/sinusitus and the dr has said to continue for the rest of the 10 days. But since we know she has a virus that will not be affected by antibiotics and we know the antibiotics make her feel bad, we're just not sure what we're going to do about that. Urgh. I'll post all about the wonderful things our one year old is doing later this week when we're hopefully feeling better.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Elizabeth's First Birthday Party
Saturday was Elizabeth's first birthday party! I was a little worried (actually very worried) because she had been a grumpy bunny all morning and early afternoon. But as soon as her first guests arrived she was so excited! She did great with all the people (and no afternoon nap!) We're so lucky to have all of our family right here to celebrate with us. Thanks to everyone for such a special day!
Here's birthday girl in her ladybugish dress before the party.With Mommy and Daddy.
Tissue paper!
Good picture of the whole outfit.
A little bit of food.
Elizabeth has figured out the little cake is for her!
Riding the horsie with Mimi.
Showing Aunt Mique the cool rattle. Uncle Brian was excited by the bongo drum.
A pile of babies! Juliette with her Mommy and Daddy, Brian and Mique with Isaac and Boston's mama Jen.
There's Boston! With his Grandad Mike. And Daddy behind him.
Mamie and Poppa and Dennis and Ann (not pictured) came too!
There's Isaac!
Grandma and Grandpa came too! And Gerry (Mikee too, but no picture).
Opening Presents.
Opening presents is hard work!
Hi Boston! I got a duck!
I didn't get a picture of all five babies at once - but here's four of them (Elizabeth had an outfit change after cake - pictures below). Juliette and Alec and Isaac.
There's a video I'll post later. She started out pretty timid with her cake, but then figured it out!
We had a great party! Thanks again to everyone for sharing it with us!
Mommy and Daddy got Elizabeth this car for her birthday. We went ahead and gave it to her today even though her birthday isn't really until Tuesday. She got to take two rides to the park in it today!
Posted by Kristin at 8:07 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Almost One
So hard to believe but in a week and a half, Elizabeth will be One! She is turning into such a big girl - hard to see my baby in her anymore. She's now taking 2-4 steps pretty often - usually walking to Mommy or Daddy. And she can stand for quite a while - even with things in her hand. Last weekend she helped me make my grocery list. She wanted to have the paper in one hand, the pen in another and stand up. She practiced this for about 10 minutes. Getting all three things to happen at once was a challenge, but she was determined!She loves the playground. She likes to swing and slide with Daddy and we learned last weekend she likes to climb up the stairs.
Today she invented a new game - empty the toy basket and climb in.
Such a sweetie!
Posted by Kristin at 6:54 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Elizabeth's First Halloween
Our little ladybug did not love her costume. We managed a few photo ops throughout the day, but overall we were not a fan. Ladybug's momma was a butterfly. "Get this off me!" says Ladybug.
We celebrated over at Mimi and Papaw's house. Mimi had smiles, but no smiles from Ladybug.There's a smile for momma!
Daddy was a bug catcher. He caught a grumpy ladybug!
What's with the hat, Dad?
But then Ladybug's cousins, Pooh and Tigger came over!
And a wagon ride got smiles from Ladybug!
After a quick wagon ride and photo op, costumes are off. Now we can play! Uncle Brian notices the ring stacking toy is one that was recalled. Oh well. Then our friend Lobster came over too! Juliette was the prettiest lobster you ever did see!
Alec thought so too, while Uncle Dennis played some tunes.
More wagon rides!
We LOVE wagon rides!
Yay for wagon rides!
Even though Ladybug didn't love her costume, we had a great Halloween. So fun that we have other babies in our lives to play with! And thanks to Mimi for a great Halloween party! So sorry I didn't get any pictures of the grown-ups - those babies just stole the show! After we came home, we handed out candy to some trick or treaters until bedtime - I loved the little toddlers that would point to E and say "baby" and point to the cats and say "cat". Can't wait for E's words!
In other news, E took three steps last night on her own before sitting down. I think walking is right around the corner!
Posted by Kristin at 7:42 PM 1 comments