Yesterday Elizabeth had her 2-month doctor's appointment. She weighed in at 10 lb, 11 oz - which puts her right at the 50th percentile. She's 21 3/4 inches long - 25th percentile and her head (this is always a funny measurement I think) is 38 cm - also 25th percentile. She's doing all the things she's supposed to be doing by now - lifting her head up, rolling from her back to her side, tracking an object with her eyes, cooing and smiling. Basically she's a genius! She did get 2 vaccines - one by mouth and one shot. (We are following Dr. Sears' alternative vaccine schedule discussed in his book The Vaccine Book, so instead of getting 5 today, she got two and will have an extra appointment in a month to get 2 more.) The nurse told us some babies don't like the taste of the oral one but she did just fine. And she was such a trooper with the shot - her Daddy held her and she scrunched up her little face like she was going to get mad, but then she just let it go. Not a single cry! And she hasn't had much of a reaction at all from them - she was a little fussy last night before bedtime, but that's not her happiest time anyway and she never did get a fever. So all in all I say it was a successful day! Especially because Daddy got to stay home because of the ice storm! Here's a picture of Miss Elizabeth sporting her band-aid.
And here's another picture of the cute girl.
Last week, we did a four generation picture with my grandmother Mamie, my mom Mimi, me and Elizabeth. Elizabeth slept the whole time - but you get the idea.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
2 Months Old
Posted by Kristin at 10:17 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Big Girl!
Just some pictures from our week!

Posted by Kristin at 9:30 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Naked Baby Pictures!
Last Saturday we went and had naked baby pictures taken of Miss Elizabeth - and a few with all three of us. I wasn't expecting a lot because she refused to fall asleep and look peaceful and spent most of the time making funny faces - and tee-teeing on her daddy - twice! But they turned out great. Here are just a few. The black and white ones look kind of crappy because I scanned the pictures using our old scanner. Come by our house and see the real ones - they just look great!
Posted by Kristin at 10:19 AM 5 comments
Friday, January 9, 2009
Almost 7 Weeks
Elizabeth will be 7 weeks old on Monday! She's getting to be such a big girl! We had a doctor's appointment last week where she weighed in at 8 lbs, 11 oz - she had gained 10 oz in 13 days which thrilled the doctor - she was hoping for at least a gain of 7 oz. Now we don't have to go back again until her regular 2 month appointment. We aren't sure what we will do with ourselves without weekly or twice-weekly pediatrician appointments.
As of Monday we're doing all formula and she's doing great on it - she's getting chubby arms and legs - so cute! Eric feeds her the last bottle between 11 and midnight and then she usually gets me up around 3 and then again at 6 or 6:30. Then we usually go back to sleep until 8:30 or 9:00 when we get up for the day. It's been nice outside so we've taken several walks and try to get out in the world some a couple of times a week. We also sing songs and read books. She'll hang out on her play mat or in her swing for 10-15 minutes at a time, but she still prefers to be in someone's arms. Her favorite toy is a mirror - she loves looking at herself and talking to the baby!
This weekend Eric and I are going on our first real outing without Elizabeth - to see our friend Dave the Police Officer play hockey against the Fire Fighters. Elizabeth gets to hang out with Mimi and Pa-paw. I'm really excited for our social outing!
Everything else is going great. Here are some pictures!

Posted by Kristin at 9:16 AM 2 comments