She's smiling and giggling all the time now - I finally got some pictures. (Excuse the blurriness - I recently fixed my camera to correct this problem so hopefully we won't be dealing with that in the future.)

Bouncer at Mimi's is more fun than the one at our house.

Playdate with Juliette - she was an angel! Elizabeth was a little less so...

Watchin' her friends (the mobile Aunt Mique and Uncle Brian gave her).

I go back to work next week so we started day care today - a few hours today, Thursday, and Friday to ease us into it. She did great today - was asleep when I dropped her off - woke up and ate a whole 4-oz bottle (which she almost never does for me), played in the bouncer and went back to sleep. Miss Lori said she only fussed for a minute when she wanted her bottle - what a good girl!!!!! We love love love our daycare. When we showed up the director came out of her office and oohed and ahhed about how excited they were to have Elizabeth there. And her teachers are so great. I think we're going to be really happy there!
Thanks for the update!
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