1. She's walking! All over the place - it's the cutest thing ever. Sometimes she walk out of the room and pause - trying to decide where to go next. It's a whole new world of freedom. She still falls down some but she is a walker!
2. She has 6 teeth - four on the top and 2 on the bottom.
3. She's a good eater - but wants to do it all herself. Yogurt and canned vegetarian refried beans are about the only things she'll let me feed her on a spoon. Everything else she wants to be able to pick up herself. Our standbys are macaroni and cheese, peanut butter sandwhich, Mimi's muffines, cheesy broccoli rice, mandarin oranges, bananas, pineapple tidbits, goldfish, graham crackers, and of course cheerios. She's still not a fan of meat (but then since I don't cook it she doesn't get much opportunity at home, but at school she's not a fan.)
4. We're working on getting rid of the bottles. She's down to two a day now - in the afternoon and at bedtime. I think we've made the transition to milk instead of formula now - this past week we were making a 1/2 and 1/2 mixture to try to ease her into it.
5. She sleeps with her pink bunny lovey and her fuzzy green blanket. In the evenings when we go up to her room to play in there before bath and bed, she goes right to her crib and pulls them out and then carries them and rolls around with them on the floor. They make her so happy!
6. She says dada and mama - she doesn't really use them specifically for me and Eric yet though. She also has her special word for kitty, and will sometimes repeat "itty" when we say kitty. She says "buh" for book. And says "upupup" when we go up the stairs. She also knows a cow says "oooh".
7. She has just started putting the correct shapes in the holes of her shape sorter. It takes her a minute to figure it out, but she definitely gets that the shapes will fit in some holes and not others.
8. She's good at drinking out of the sippy cup, but still isn't sure milk is supposed to be in there. She's drink quite a bit of water though. She also throws in on the ground pretty much everytime she takes a sip.
9. She's a super happy and giggly girl, except when she's not.
And she's one! I plan to add more later, but I hear her getting up from her nap. Here are just a few recent pictures.
What wonderful stuff about the Wonder-Girl!
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