Well, it's been over a month since I've posted any pictures of Elizabeth - where is the time going??? Our little girl is already 14 months old! This has been a very exciting month. Other than having RSV again, a stomach virus, and a bunch of teeth trying to come through, it's been a breeze!
We are completely off of bottles and formula. I was so worried about this process but now it seems it happened so fast. She loves milk and her sippy cups. For a few weeks she would throw the sippy cup on the floor after every sip, but now we've convinced her to (usually) put the cup down "nicely" on the tray.
She's a great eater. At school she almost always eats "100%" of whatever they have for lunch - pizza, swedish meatballs, fish sticks, ravioli. She likes fruits and veggies. We still feed her dinner earlier than we eat. She eats between 5 and 5:30 and we eat after she goes to bed at 7:00. I'd like to get to the point that we eat together, but as long as she's going to bed at 7:00, there just isn't time to cook dinner for all of us and sit down. So, she usually has something that I can make for her quick - macaroni and cheese, risotto, one of the gerber toddler meals, cheesey brocolli rice, or sometimes left overs. Eric has started making us muffins, so she has a muffin and milk before school every day and then breakfast at school too.
She definetly has some words - shoe, book, ta too (thank you), da da, bye bye, up (for going upstairs, not for being picked up.)
She knows the sound the cow makes, the sheep makes, and the snake.
She knows where her tongue is, her mouth, her head, and her belly. She's starting to get eyes and nose too.
She understands that the white remote control turns the baby Einstein on and brings it to us when she wants to watch it.
She has nine teeth now and likes to brush them herself. She'll usually lets us help for a little.
She sleeps 7 pm to 6 am and only rarely wakes up in the night. On the weekends she'll have two good naps 1 1/2 to 2 hours each. At school every now and then she'll take two, but usually just one and its usually less than an hour. Just too much going on.
She still loves books and will sometimes read them to herself too.
She likes bathtime. Eric almost always does bath time and he's way more fun than I am. I love to listen to them laughing and splashing in there.
She does not like bows in her hair. And her hair is getting long - we're going to have to do something about that soon.
That's it for now!
How big is Elizabeth???
So big!! She loves her kitties.
We got her this cool pop up tent thing for Christmas. We just get it out on the weekends, and she loves chasing the kitties through it.
I can't believe how grown up she is!!! Next post she'll probably already be driving (at least a Power Wheel). Thanks for the update!
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