On Saturday, we took Elizabeth for her first hair cut. She didn't love it but she didn't scream the whole time, so I think it was a success! Plus, after seeing the end result, it was quite clear to me that we needed one! First we went to breakfast at Mimi's Cafe - look at that hair!

Yep - it's everywhere!

Elizabeth and her Daddy argued over who should get the check.

On our way to the salon - happy girl!

Look Elizabeth - you get to sit in a yellow car! How cool!

And they have Baby Einstein - your favorite!

See, this is cool!

Not so sure....

What's that!

I don't like this!

Are we done yet?

Stand right here, Mama!

I'm ready to go home now!

Well, why didn't you think to give me my paci at the beginning of this whole ordeal!

What a pretty girl!
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