Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Fifteen Months

Our little girl is fifteen months old now. I don't know when I started thinking of her as a "little girl" instead of a baby, but somewhere along the way I did. And she is such a big girl. These days she knows exactly what she wants to do and sometimes gets frustrated when she can't communicate that to us. But when she is happy, she is the happiest little girl around. We are having so much fun with her.

At her 15-month appointment she weighed 21 lb and 8 oz which puts her in the 30th percentile. She was 31 1/4 inches long, which puts her in the 70th percentile. So somehow from the genes she was given by me and Eric she is now tall and skinny!

Her words now include shoe, bye, da-da and finally ma-ma! She also says thank you, which is sounding more and more like thank you. And book.

She knows the sound a cow, sheep and snake makes. She can point to her eyes, ears, heard, nose, mouth and toes.

She likes to do puzzles and she loves to dump stuff out - anything and everything. At the end of the night, I am amazed at what a mess we have - but she basically takes all her toys out and dumps them out. Oh well!

She's gotten really good at coloring, now we are working at keeping the crayons out of her mouth.

She loves canned grean peans and frozen peas. Also animal crackers - this kid eats a lot of animal crackers.

She likes the cheap "take and toss" sippy cups and doesn't want anything to do with any of the 5
kinds of "fancier" sippy cups we have acquired.

Ooh...and the coolest thing is now when you ask her for a hug, she give you one! It's the sweetest thing ever!

Last weekend it was nice outside and we bought this slide. She is having so much fun with it!