This week I did one of the silliest things I've done in quite some time. I was working late and needed a break so I decided to take a picture of my giant swollen feet and send to Jess. (Even at 35 weeks pregnant, she still has her cute little petite feet). I took the picture with my phone and sent it to her phone. Now, I hadn't ever sent a picture with my phone before so I wasn't sure exactly what the procedure was. I won't go into all the details of how I managed to mess this up, but by the end of it I had sent the picture below to Jess and to a lawyer I had met a year and a half ago on a case I was working on. Yep...this random man who I met once got this picture with no more explanation than the title "My Feet." He has not responded, so I'm hoping that means either his phone doesn't have picture capabilities (not likely) or he didn't have my number saved into his phone, so instead of my name coming up, all he got was my number.

Pretty scary huh? It's even a little scarier in real life if you can believe it. But since that's really been my only pregnancy discomfort, I'm not complaining (too much).
The other issue at our house this week is our tabby-cat Jack. He has taken to sleeping in the crib - not once or twice but most nights. Eric bought him a heated kitty bed yesterday and we're trying to communicate to him that that's his bed. So far no luck. He was in the crib last night. Now I realize we can shut the door, but then they'll just wait until we start to have it open to make it their own. I was hoping that by letting them in there now, by the time Elizabeth shows up (28 days until her due date!) they'll be bored with it. So far this is not working. Any other suggestions? The other tabby trouble we are having is that Jack has now 4 times decided he'd rather poop next to the litter box instead of in the litter box. Up until now he has never had this problem. We've acquired a second litter box (I know they say we should have had more than one all along with 3 cats, but they've never seemed to care) so we'll see if that solves the problem. However, with Jack beginning to act out a little, Jodie - the normally difficult kitty has become very sweet and lovable. We'll see if that continues.