We had a great Mothers' Day! Elizabeth let me sleep in while she and her Daddy played. Then she and Daddy went to Starbucks to get Mommy coffee. Elizabeth fell asleep on the ride, so I had to wait to open my present until later. But when she woke up, I found out she gave me a spa day!!!! What a thoughtful gift-giver she is! (And her Daddy too!).
Then we had my family over to our house for lunch. Elizabeth was excited to see Mimi and Pa-paw. And the boys came too! They brought their momma and daddy.
Hi Alec!
Hi Mimi!
Pa-paw gave Elizabeth a bottle.
And Mamie played Pattie-cake!That's my cousin!
Outfit change!
Hope everyone had as wonderful a Mothers' Day as this momma!
Spring Fling & Mommy’s Bday!
12 years ago
It was the Best Mother's Day!
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