Elizabeth started blowing rasberries about a month ago and after a few days of rasberries 24/7, she just stopped. But we've been trying hard to get her to say her "b" sound and tonight she totally thought she figured it out. I think she's getting close!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Practicing Our "B" Sound
Posted by Kristin at 7:22 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 25, 2009
7 Months
My baby girl is 7 months old! She's closer to being a one-year old than a newborn. Wow. It's been a very exciting month for Elizabeth.
She's learned to sit up all by herself.
Those silly teeth just won't show up! She's chewing on everything she can get her hands on and still nothing!
She's rolling all over the place. Check out this video.
She's very good at passing toys from hand to hand - one of those milestones apparantly.
Posted by Kristin at 1:53 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Elizabeth and Her Kitty
If you don't know Desi, you will think this is really mean. But this cat loves any and all attention. She is purring the whole time, until the end when she leaves. She loves being petted - even Elizabeth's version. And Elizabeth sure loves her kitty!
Posted by Kristin at 9:46 PM 2 comments
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day!
Happy Father's Day!!! We had a great weekend with our Daddy and all the other Daddies in our lives. Friday, Elizabeth wore this shirt to school to tell all her friends how much she loved her Daddy. And she made him a present - a framed picture of her and her foot prints with a sweet poem about daddies.
Then on Saturday, we got Elizabeth a new toy. Her Daddy commented that she needed more toys to "bang" on because that's what she's all about these days. A quick trip to toys r us and we found - a Sit and Pound Arcade! She loves it!
Pretty blue eyes!
Then on Sunday we first went to Mimi and Pa-Paw's to celebrate Poppa's 84th birthday, as well as father's day. Here's Elizabeth talking to Poppa and Mimi.
And there was singing! Uncle Dennis and Mimi wrote a song for Poppa and performed it for us all. Mimi multi-tasked and fed Elizabeth a bottle at the same time.
Posted by Kristin at 9:01 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Visit with the Cardiologist and the Ducky Tub
Last week we went for a 6-month check up with Elizabeth's cardiologist. As you may recall, when she was born, Dr. D. discovered a hart murmur and sent us to Dr. L. the cardiologist to check it out. She had a VSD, a small hole between two of the chambers of her heart - fairly common and often it corrects itself. Sure enough - after an EKG and echocardiogram, we discovered that the VSD is gone! Just as hoped! Elizabeth was such a good girl for it. The EKG didn't take long and she was very interested in the "stickers" the nice lady kept putting on her. The echocardiogram took about 20 minutes, but there was a t.v. with some children's show on (which she had her eyes glued too - we try not to watch t.v. at home when she's up, but she sure loved it!) and she did just fine. Here she is after all that fun waiting on the Dr. to give us the good news. She really does love tissue paper!

Unrelated to the cardiologist, Elizabeth got a new bathtub! She has gotten too big for the infant tub we've had from the beginning and my experiment in the big bathtub was a huge failure. So I had seen this on someone else's blog and ran across it for $14.99 on babiesrus.com. She loves it! It's inflatable and has a sensor for hot/cold and the beak "quacks!" She's always enjoyed bathtime, but she really likes sitting up like a big girl in this one. Plus it doesn't use as much water as it would to fill up the bathtub. And I saw the same one for $11.99 at target tonight.

Posted by Kristin at 8:53 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Fun Weekend with the Big Girl
We had such a fun weekend with Elizabeth! First, Daddy sheared Desi. Elizabeth loves "petting" her kitty, Desi - grabbing fist-fulls of hair and yanking. Desi has so much hair, she doesn't mind, and usually purrs the whole time. However, then Elizabeth has cat hair all over her hands, and right now everything in her hands goes in her mouth. So you see the problem. Luckily, Desi loves being sheared. So we had that adventure.
This was half way through. I got distracted and didn't get a final picture of all the hair. She's basically half the cat she was.
At "The Cafe" they bring little people a plate of cheerios, crackers, and oranges when you first sit down to keep them happy. We decided to let E try a cracker. She was pretty intersted, but it was a little hard and pointy for her. I had read about these rice crackers called "Mum Mums" that basically dissolve when the babies gum them, so we went to Wal-Mart (the only place nearby that carriers them) and bought some. She loved them! What a big girl!
Posted by Kristin at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Elizabeth's First Boat Ride
Elizabeth had her first boat ride this weekend - and her second too! She really liked it - she loves having wind blowing in her face. She didn't even mind the life jacket (thanks Pa-Paw!).
Mimi's helping us get it on for the first time.
Yay! I like boat rides!
Posted by Kristin at 4:32 PM 1 comments