Last week we went for a 6-month check up with Elizabeth's cardiologist. As you may recall, when she was born, Dr. D. discovered a hart murmur and sent us to Dr. L. the cardiologist to check it out. She had a VSD, a small hole between two of the chambers of her heart - fairly common and often it corrects itself. Sure enough - after an EKG and echocardiogram, we discovered that the VSD is gone! Just as hoped! Elizabeth was such a good girl for it. The EKG didn't take long and she was very interested in the "stickers" the nice lady kept putting on her. The echocardiogram took about 20 minutes, but there was a t.v. with some children's show on (which she had her eyes glued too - we try not to watch t.v. at home when she's up, but she sure loved it!) and she did just fine. Here she is after all that fun waiting on the Dr. to give us the good news. She really does love tissue paper!

Unrelated to the cardiologist, Elizabeth got a new bathtub! She has gotten too big for the infant tub we've had from the beginning and my experiment in the big bathtub was a huge failure. So I had seen this on someone else's blog and ran across it for $14.99 on She loves it! It's inflatable and has a sensor for hot/cold and the beak "quacks!" She's always enjoyed bathtime, but she really likes sitting up like a big girl in this one. Plus it doesn't use as much water as it would to fill up the bathtub. And I saw the same one for $11.99 at target tonight.

Elizabeth has the coolest toys!
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