My baby girl is 7 months old! She's closer to being a one-year old than a newborn. Wow. It's been a very exciting month for Elizabeth.
She's learned to sit up all by herself.
Those silly teeth just won't show up! She's chewing on everything she can get her hands on and still nothing!
She's rolling all over the place. Check out this video.
Since she's sitting so well, we moved to a bigger tub - the ducky tub - where she can sit up and play with her toys. Her new thing is trying to climb out of the side of the ducky tub, so we may not be in this one for long.
She can blow raspberries and "click" her tongue. Still not so much with the consonant sounds, but she makes her vowel sounds very well.
She can get water out of a sippy cup, but doesn't much care for the "taste" of water yet.
She went swimming for the first time at Grandma and Grandpa's house and loved it! She really liked splashing and getting all of our faces wet. I think there will be more swimming adventures in the future.
She's the big girl in her class at school now and will probably be moving to the crawling room soon. It's so funny because when she started she was so much smaller than all the babies in her room, and now she's by far the biggest!
She's very good at passing toys from hand to hand - one of those milestones apparantly.
And perhaps the biggest news (for Mommy and Daddy) is Elizabeth is sleeping through the night! For about the last 2 weeks she goes to bed between 6:30 and 7:00 and stays asleep until at least 6:00 am. It's lovely! And she's such a happy baby when she wakes up. She can play in her crib happily for 10 minutes or more and gets so excited when we walk in to get her.
She's just getting more and more fun every day! How lucky we are to have such a wonderful baby girl!
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