This has been a super exciting month for Elizabeth! As you can see, she has figured out how to sit herself up! She'd been doing it for about a week before she realized she could do it in her crib too. She actually figured this out at the lake last week when Mimi was hanging out with her. E was taking a nap and all of a sudden Mimi heard the mobile music. She walked in and E was sitting up with her hand on the button turning it on! She had turned on the mobile! After we got home and found she could do it here too, we removed the mobile from the bed. Bye bye friends!
The other big news is teeth! Unfortunately I don't have any pictures yet, but we have one which has absolutely come through and a second one that we can see but not yet feel. But man, if we thought we had seen teething discomfort before now, boy were we wrong! Poor baby has been MISERABLE for about a week now. Soooo unhappy. I even took her to the doctor just to make sure she didn't have an ear infection. But nope...just those horrible teeth! Today was actually the first day she's been a little bit back to her old self. Goodness.
So we chew on our hands a lot right now.
And poor baby has her momma's sensitive and fair skin. After a trip in the car to the lake, baby had gotten pretty hot and was red and splotchy all over. The first time she got a little warm at school they called me saying she had a rash. Now they know that's just her skin! So when we got to the lake we played under the fan in our diaper to cool off.

Just a picture I like.

She's not crawling yet, but getting so close. She lurches forward from a sitting position and gets on her hands and knees for a bit trying to figure out what to do next. Usually she ends up on her belly. The kitties are giving her good incentive to figure it out though - she really wants those kitties!
And she is sleeping through the night almost every night now! It's just amazing. I know some babies figure this out at like 2 months, but it took us a bit longer. We're just happy it finally happened!
What a big girl!
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