Well tonight our family is under the weather. Elizabeth has had a cold for a few days and I came down with it Thursday. Today Eric finally got it too - even though he had assured me he would not get sick because "it's all mental." So we ended up missing Lizzie's birthday party today - we missed you Lizzie! - but thought it would be better not to share our germs with all our friends and their babies. But yesterday, we had a super busy day!
First, Elizabeth and Eric came to watch me run the Delaney Vineyard 5K. It was a nice cool morning so Elizabeth got to wear the new fleece vest her Daddy picked out the night before. Here she is ready to go!Katie, Jennifer and Lizzie ran too! Here we are before the race.
Little E wasn't entirely happy about being kind of cold with lots of people and loud jazz music first thing in the morning. But she was a good sport.
Mommy's running wore Elizabeth out. She was jumping as hard as she could literally seconds before this picture was taken. She was done!
Then, Elizabeth went to hang out with Mimi and Pa-Paw while Eric and I went to the A&M v. Arkansas game at the new Cowboys Stadium. But first there was tailgating!
The weather was not perfect...but our hosts Dave and Jenn were well prepared with a canopy (no picture) so we stayed mostly dry.
Some of the non-Aggies came too - just to tailgate. Kevin brought his own Keg.
Katie brought her water bottle full of...something.
The actual Aggies - doing their Aggie thing.
The stadium is just awesome. It was my first visit to any NFL stadium and it was amazing.
Our tailgate party hosts - David and Jenn. Thanks for hosting a great party guys!
Me and Eric.
It was such a fun time! Thanks Mimi and Pa-Paw for hanging out with Elizabeth so we could go!
As I said, today we were all a little under the weather, but Elizabeth did some cute things. Now that she's pulling up, she'll pull up on my pants if she wants me to pick her up. It's so cute!!! This is what I see when I look down.Where's Elizabeth?
There she is!
Let me out!
Really let me out!
Spring Fling & Mommy’s Bday!
12 years ago
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