Elizabeth is 10 months old today! How can that be???? I took a bunch of pictures of her this evening, but our fourth tooth is causing us all kinds of distress, so she wasn't much for smiling. I did get this one though.
So what is Little E up to at 10 months? Well, she's crawling all over the place and pulling up on everything. Today she let go of the toy she was using to hold herself up and actually stood by herself for about a second. She's using her push-cart lion to "walk" all over. She usually ends up on her knees after a few steps, but then gets right back up.
She's sleeping through the night most nights - 7:00pm to around 6:00am. A lot of mornings I go in to wake her up to find she's already awake and happily playing quietly in her crib. She sleeps with her bunny (we've got three of them - one at home, one at school and a back up) and sleeps in her sleepsack. Once she's had her bath and gets in her sleepsack with her bunny, she knows its time for bed and usually goes right down.
After months of saying "dadadada" she's finally added "mamamama" to her vocabulary. She still loves to blow raspberries and make all kinds of noises that involve spit. Her daddy encourages this, so I don't expect her to give up these "words" any time soon.
She's pretty good at feeding herself some things - graham crackers, cheerios, macaroni and cheese, and tonight pieces of a peanut butter sandwich (no allergic reaction there - yay!). She loves yobaby yogurt and has it everyday for her 3:00 snack. She's still eating a couple jars of baby food everyday - an oatmeal and fruit mixture for breakfast and some veggie for lunch. But she's also trying a few bites of most of the big girl food at school.
She's great at using her sippy cup. She doesn't love it for her formula and we aren't pushing that too hard yet. But she usually has quite a bit of water from it when she sits in her high chair and eats.
This past week she has shown us she can hold her own bottle. She usually would prefer we do it, but occasionally she says no thank you.
She's taking a bath in the big girl bath tub (the regular tub). She seems to really prefer it - more room for toys and moving around. We have to continually remind her that we don't stand in the tub, though.
Her teachers have nicknamed her "the observer" because she sits back and watches another baby do something and then goes and does it herself. Genius baby.
She had her tear ducts "probed" last week and the procedure seems to have worked perfectly for her left eye and not so much for her right. I talked to the eye doctor's office today though and they said it could take another week to clear up. So hopefully that's the case. If not we'll have to go through the procedure again. We all survived the first time, but not much fun. But it is amazing the difference in the good eye now. So we will do what we need to in order to get them both working properly.
A few more pictures from tonight - no smiles, but oh well.I love this one - she's watching one of her kitties, but she looks like she's just chillin. And her hair looks so pretty here!
What a great ten months we've had!
Spring Fling & Mommy’s Bday!
12 years ago
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