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Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Rough Weekend

Poor baby girl had herself a rough weekend (so Mommy's and Daddy's weekend was a little rough too.) This silly fourth tooth is causing her so much misery. It is definetly the worst tooth so far. Baby Motrin, oralgel, and teething tablets help take the edge off, but she's just uncomfortable all the time right now! And one thing we've learned about Miss Elizabeth in these last 10 months is that she will let you know how she's feeling! This picture says a lot: she's got the pacifier that she usually just uses to fall asleep and her bunny (the upside down shiny pink thing). Until recently bunny stayed in the bed (one at home and one at school). But the past couple of weeks, she has been dragging it around a little when she's tired or unhappy. Today was one of those days. It's super cute the way she won't let bunny out of her hands (which makes crawling a little challenging), but we are trying to limit bunny for when we really need him. I don't know why, but I seem to have decided bunny is a boy. Even though he's pink. No stereotypical gender roles here!

We did have fun today going to play with Cousin Alec and Cousin Isaac. We got to see the cool fort at their house and then went and met Mimi and Pa-Paw for lunch. Here's Aunt Mique and Cousin Isaac. He's trying to decide what to order.

Uncle Brian and Alec. He's got his keys.
And Daddy was there too! Here we're chewing on the sippy cup. Poor baby mouth.

Mimi with Cousin Isaac.

And Mimi with Elizabeth. Baby was ready for a nap at this point.
Hopefully this tooth will show up soon and give E some relief!