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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tear Duct Probing and Fun Pics

Well today was a day. Elizabeth has had clogged tear ducts since she was born. This is a common affliction, although most babies outgrow it on their own within a few months. Elizabeth never did and at our 9 month appoitment, Dr. D suggested we go ahead and get the tear ducts "probed." She referred us to a pediatric opthamologist. When I called, I asked lots of questions and learned that at E's age it is a simple, quick, painfree procedure done in the office. The worst part would be strapping her to the "papoose board" so she was immobilized. Today was the day. We got to the office and the very sweet nurse put drops in E's eyes that would confirm whether the ducts were clogged. They were. Then the doctor took E into the room where the procedure would take place. Eric went with her and I stayed in the other room. They were only gone about 5 minutes (although Eric said it felt like a lot longer) but I could hear her crying the whole time. Dr. B apologized that the rooms weren't sound proof. Anyway, once it was over and E was back in my arms with her bunny and her pacifier, she calmed down very quickly and fell asleep on the way home. She has been perfectly happy and fun all afternoon, so it really was as easy as they said. Just not for Mommy and Daddy. Anyway, hopefully the probing worked - in about 5% of the cases it needs to be redone. We are looking forward to not having to clean goopy eyes every morning and explain to people that E is not crying all the time.

Anyway, other than that, we are having a lot of fun. Here are some pictures to prove it!

Eric turned 29 last Friday. Elizabeth and I had a little party for him after work and then Eric and I went out for a lovely dinner at Papas Bros. Steakhouse on Saturday. (Her shirt says "I heart daddy")

Yep...that's one of those party noise maker things - she's so smart!

We've also moved up to the big tub! She's having way more fun with all the room - for more toys!

Jungle friends.

Farm friends.

Learning to Walk!


Mimi said...

Wonderful video footage - can't believe how she walks!