Hopefully those in attendance will share some more pictures with me soon...

Sunday I did 5 loads of baby laundry - that's right I had 5 loads of clothes, blankets, sheets, towels, washcloths and burb cloths. But now it's all in her dresser and bathroom - I'm telling you we are ready for her to show up!
Last week we had Elizabeth's room painted (along with some other rooms we had been planning to paint since we bought the house - for those of you who have been here, the jungle-themed study is now a mocha color instead of lime green and the ceiling is white instead of bright blue with clouds!). All of the rooms look great - especially Elizabeth's lavender room. I'll post pictures when it gets closer to being complete. But we're getting there!
We were scheduled to go to a 2-evening BabyCare and CPR class next Monday and Tuesday. We have both had it on our calendars for a couple of months, but I realized yesterday that next Tuesday is election night. Sure enough, when I mentioned this to Eric he was pretty devestated - he's got to be sitting on the couch watching the results come in. Luckily we were able to reschedule the class for 2 weeks later. But the lady I was talking to told me that given that I would be a month away from my due date, I needed to be aware that I would not get a refund if I have the baby early - eek! She can't come before we know how to give her a bath and swaddle her! So, while I'm hoping she comes some early, she can't come until after November 18! Eric assures me this is Ok because he had a dream that she is coming on December 3rd. We'll see! I've got a doctor's appointment tomorrow where I'm sure she'll tell me I'm still measuring 4 weeks ahead!