Well, the last time we had a sonogram, the doctor told us our baby girl was "robust" - she was measuring a couple weeks ahead of schedule. Here's what we learned today - the average baby at 31 weeks is 3 1/2 pounds. Our baby girl is currently estimated to weigh 5 1/4 pounds - that's what a normal 35 week baby weighs! Everything looks great - and she still has a head full of hair! She was sucking on her lower lip during the sonogram and wiggling all about. She's pretty darn cute. Here are a few pictures.Given that at this point babies grow on average 1/2 pound a week, she's on track to be over 9 1/2 pounds. We'll have another sonogram at 36 weeks to see if that's where we're headed and then talk about the best way to get her out! But she's doing great in there!
Here's a picture of me and the robust baby girl at 31 weeks.
And here is Desi enjoying the new Pack N Play. She doesn't have a clue about what's about to happen...
Spring Fling & Mommy’s Bday!
12 years ago
Too cute! All of it, not just the cat. Glad to hear everything is going well and I can't wait to meet her!
Robust?! I love it!!! I think that just means that she's very healthy. I know it's a little early to tell, but from the pics I'd guess she looks like her mommy. ;)
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