Walk at the lakehouse
Elizabeth has had quite a week! She went to her first restaurant (Cafe Express for lunch), had her first and second dinner out, went to the lake for her first weekend, visited Mamie and Poppa's house for the first time, had her first real bath, and had more visitors! At her last pediatrician's appointment she had gained good weight, so we are happy with that. We go back on Wednesday, but assuming everything looks good, we don't go back again until her 2 month check up! (Which is exciting given that in her first 3 weeks of life she has visited her pediatrician 5 times.) Eric went back to work last week and Elizabeth and I are figuring out our days together. We haven't ventured out on our own yet, but we plan to do that this week. It turns out now that Elizabeth is not a sleepy baby she has a fussy spell every evening - about the time Eric gets home. As long as we are holding her she's ok - usually this is Eric's job since he's missed her all day.
What we've learned about Elizabeth in the last week:
1. She prefers her wipes warmed - initially we weren't using the wipe warmer, but it turns out we're all much happier during diaper changes if the wipes are warmed!
2. Baths make her poop. Yep - she's had 4 "real" baths since the umbilical cord stump fell off and she's pooped during 2 of them. That's 50% of the time.
3. She likes her swing, but not if it's on. It's nice and cuddly and she's happy to nap in it with the music and mobile on, but would prefer it not actually swing.
4. She will spit up if not properly burped and burped often. (This may be true for most babies, but we only have experience with the one.)
5. Her hair may be red. It definitely has redder tones than either mine or Eric's - especially in the sunlight. Since both Eric and I have red heads in our family tree, this isn't very far fetched.
Great stuff. We can't wait to see her again!
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