Elizabeth had her first Christmas! We started out Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa's house but the only picture I got was this one of Eric feeding her. But Grandma made a delicious dinner and Elizabeth got to meet her Aunt Kristy and Uncle David for the first time. It was a great evening and I wish I had taken more pictures!
Then we spent the night at Mimi and Papaw's house where Miss Elizabeth decided to show us her impression of a colicky baby. She cried for about 4 hours straight and nothing we did would make her happy. Finally she fell asleep on my chest and the three of us got a couple of hours of sleep. Since then, she's been back to her happy self, so I hope it was just all the Christmas excitement - I don't know how we would handle multiple nights of that! But the next morning, she was excited to celebrate Christmas! Here she is in front of the tree at Mimi's house. She had a frilly dress, but after the stressful night I decided she should just stay as comfy as possible in her Christmas jammies.

Elizabeth with Uncle Brian and Aunt Mique (and cousins Baby A and Baby B!)

Ready to open presents!

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