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Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Cousin Boston

Friday Elizabeth got to meet her cousin Boston. He is six weeks older than she is ad about 4 1/4 pounds heavier! He is so alert and active - I can't believe he's only six weeks older than Elizabeth! And he was so happy to just be hanging out all night. He was sweet enough to share his Boppy with Elizabeth for a photo. (She had a dress and socks on earlier in the evening, but after a couple of diaper changes we were down to the onsie.)

For some reason my pictures loaded too close together and I can't figure out how to add text between each one. So below are the following pictures:

1. Elizabeth and Boston
2. Elizabeth and her Uncle Todd
3. Elizabeth and her Aunt Jen
4. Elizabeth and Uncle Chris
5. Elizabeth and Aunt Megan
6. Eric and Boston

We can't wait to see Boston again!