Elizabeth is now four weeks old! Hard to believe her due date was yesterday - we got a whole bonus month of our baby! She's been very busy. On Friday she attended her first party - a House Warming for Katie and Paul at their new home. Of course I didn't take any pictures - but the house is just great and Elizabeth loved meeting lots of new people.
Also last week Elizabeth and I went out in the world by ourselves for the first time - a trip to Target, Michael's and Babies R Us. She slept the whole time. Then on Friday, Mimi and I took her to the mall. She slept right up until the end when she woke up hungry and screaming. That was stressful, but once we got some food in her she was happy once again.
Yesterday, we went up to my office and met my coworkers. She had been asleep for several hours before while I was at my post-partum doctor visit, so she was awake and loud during our visit at the office. But it was fun to see everyone. Hard to believe my maternity leave is already more than 1/3 over.
Here are some pictures!

She's only showing the mad face because she wants her clothes on! Such a sweetie!
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