Last week Dr. D gave us the green light to try some baby food. At first I was overwhelmed - we've just figured out the whole formula in a bottle thing and now we have to try food?????? But over the weekend I got excited about it so we thought we'd give it a go. We had planned to try last night but we were all a little grumpy from our busy weekend, so we decided to wait until tonight. The video at the bottom (don't know how to move it) is the very first taste. Here are some other fun pictures. For the first try, I think it was a success!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Rice Cereal!
Posted by Kristin at 7:42 PM 1 comments
A Fun Weekend
We had a fun weekend with Miss Elizabeth. She's finally just about big enough and strong enough to play in her stationary entertainer. She can push the buttons and make noise!Close up! (Yes, Miss Elizabeth is almost always wearing a bib - we're hoping soon she'll grow out of her constant spit-up. Until then we go through about 10 bibs a day!)
Sunday was a beautiful day and we went to Dave and Jenn's house to celebrate Dave's bday. I didn't get a picture of him, but here is Jenn with her babies - Stella and Rocky.
Elizabeth was a grumpy bunny.
But Paul made her laugh!
Posted by Kristin at 7:30 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Elizabeth's Many Faces
Happy (and other) faces!End of bath time.
Last night Elizabeth slept from 6:30-12:30; got up ate almost a whole bottle and slept until 6:30 this morning. We are so excited! Twelve hours with only one wake up for feeding - it's a whole new world!
Posted by Kristin at 7:42 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 27, 2009
Four Month Stats
Elizabeth had her four-month well-baby exam today. She weighs 13 lb, 2 oz, which keeps her in the 50th percentile for weight. She only measured 23 inches long, which puts her in the 10th percentile for height (she was in the 25th percentile at 2 months). But Dr. D wasn't concerned - she said we're talking about 1/2 an inch and if the nurse had just stretched her a little more during the measurement we'd be saying 23 1/2 inches. (Ummm...what is the point of taking this measurement if we don't care about its accuracy?) Her head was 41 cm - 40th percentile. Dr. D. was very happy with everything she saw. Also, she didn't hear the heart murmur, so it may have gone away as we hope. (But we have a cardiologist appointment in June either way.) Elizabeth was a bit fussy because she was hungry. And due to a miscommunication between her Mommy and Daddy we had a 4 oz bottle, but 6 oz worth premeasured powdered formula. So we had to kind of estimate 2/3 of the premeasured amount and hope it was close enough. She ate it, so I guess it was! She got one shot and an oral vaccine and is doing just fine. She didn't get her evening nap tonight so she went to bed about a half hour early - we'll see how that goes. And as of last night, she's sleeping in her own room. I decided the pack n' play mattress she was sleeping on in our room wasn't comfortable and that's why she (and her momma and daddy) haven't been sleeping well. Last night seemed to go better. She woke up twice to eat and two other times, but those other times she put herself back to sleep before she started crying. So that's what we are working on. Sorry no pictures - will get some soon! Oh yeah - and Dr. D. said we can start trying cereal and/or strained/mashed fruits or vegetables. I'm not sure we're quite ready for that - will probably wait a month or so. But how exciting!
Posted by Kristin at 6:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
Four Months
8. She still loves her friends (mobile over her crib).
9. No, she's not sleeping through the night. Not even close. She'd been getting up twice - about midnight and 4:00 am, but this week she's getting up at 10:30, 1:30 and 4:30. And not really wanting to eat. Just wanting to say hello!
10. She's such a happy baby! She only fusses now when she's sleepy and usually only for a short time until we can get her to sleep. But anytime you smile at her, she smiles right back and giggles too. Especially in the morning. She loves morning time!
It's hard to believe she's a 1/3 of a year old! She's changing everyday and is such a sweet little girl!
Posted by Kristin at 1:13 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Pictures From Our Week
We had a good week this week. Elizabeth is 100% well - the first time she hasn't had at least a sniffle or a cough since she started day care! One day after work this week we took a walk in the Baby Bjorn. Check out her cool Tilley hat! (It would go with almost any outfit except of course the red and white polka dot one we are wearing!)We're still not great at sitting in the Bumbo. But we're getting there!
This was while she was flying over her Daddy's head - she liked it!
Baby's got a bald spot!
Saturday we finally got to go visit Alec and Isaac at their house. They are so cute! Eric got to feed Isaac and I got to feed Alec. Of course I didn't get a picture of me with Alec, but here's Isaac.
And here are the Baby Burritos after their lunch. Sweet boys!
While Eric and I went to visit Alec and Isaac (and Mique and Brian), Elizabeth hung out at Mimi and Pa-Paw's. She liked the Happy Apple that was a toy Brian and I had when we were babies.
Look at that head control!
Tonight Elizabeth "sat" in her highchair for the first time. She was very sleepy but she was such a good girl during our family dinner!
Posted by Kristin at 7:38 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Welcome Home Alec and Isaac!
Alec and Isaac are home! There's Alec on the left and baby brother Isaac on the right! Aren't they adorable! Congratulations Brian and Mique!
Posted by Kristin at 7:29 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
A Busy Weekend
Elizabeth had a busy weekend at the lake while her Daddy went hog hunting. (He got one, but gave the meat to his dad, so we all win!) She is really so much fun these days - happy and giggly! And because she still spits up all the time, we get to have lots of outfit changes!

Mimi picked her up at daycare on Friday and I met them at the lake. She wore this cute "Off to Grandma's house" outfit for the occasion.

Posted by Kristin at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
Daylight Savings Time
I was all worried that daylight savings time would mess up Elizabeth's nightime schedule. So last night, we went ahead and did bedtime like we normally do. She went down about 7:30 like usual. She was up an hour later which didn't surpirse me since her body thought she was only taking her 6:30 nap, rather than going to bed for real. So I fed her the rest of her bottle and she was down again by 8:30. And she didn't wake up until 6:00 am!!!! My baby slept for 9 1/2 hours! Given that she usually gets up twice during the night (12ish-1ish and 3ish-4ish) this is crazy and I'm not expecting that she will continue. (And actually, by the time she got up this morning I was really missing her - I kind of like our nightime feedings because she's so sweet and cuddly). We'll see what happens tonight! (And I'll post some pictures.)
Posted by Kristin at 8:08 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Play Mat - Take 2
Elizabeth is getting so good and holding on to objects! Well really just this one rattle and her burp cloths. But she's trying to get the other toys. This video has better lighting than my last play mat videos - I'm still learning about baby photography!
Posted by Kristin at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Sweet Babies
On Sunday, Eric and I went to meet Alec and Isaac at the hospital. They are too cute! Both of them pooped while I was holding them - they already like their Aunt Kristin!!!! It sounds like they are doing really well and will be coming home soon. Elizabeth can't wait to meet them! While we went to visit, Elizabeth hung out with her Mimi and was super cute as always!
Here she is with her Pa-pawAnd an accidental video!
Posted by Kristin at 8:48 PM 0 comments