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Monday, March 30, 2009

Rice Cereal!

Last week Dr. D gave us the green light to try some baby food. At first I was overwhelmed - we've just figured out the whole formula in a bottle thing and now we have to try food?????? But over the weekend I got excited about it so we thought we'd give it a go. We had planned to try last night but we were all a little grumpy from our busy weekend, so we decided to wait until tonight. The video at the bottom (don't know how to move it) is the very first taste. Here are some other fun pictures. For the first try, I think it was a success!


Mimi said...

So many high points in the "Rice Cereal Show" but I especially enjoyed the shaking camera when Eric is laughing...

And, does this mean Miss Cutiepatootie can have a chocolate bunny in her basket?