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Friday, March 27, 2009

Four Month Stats

Elizabeth had her four-month well-baby exam today. She weighs 13 lb, 2 oz, which keeps her in the 50th percentile for weight. She only measured 23 inches long, which puts her in the 10th percentile for height (she was in the 25th percentile at 2 months). But Dr. D wasn't concerned - she said we're talking about 1/2 an inch and if the nurse had just stretched her a little more during the measurement we'd be saying 23 1/2 inches. (Ummm...what is the point of taking this measurement if we don't care about its accuracy?) Her head was 41 cm - 40th percentile. Dr. D. was very happy with everything she saw. Also, she didn't hear the heart murmur, so it may have gone away as we hope. (But we have a cardiologist appointment in June either way.) Elizabeth was a bit fussy because she was hungry. And due to a miscommunication between her Mommy and Daddy we had a 4 oz bottle, but 6 oz worth premeasured powdered formula. So we had to kind of estimate 2/3 of the premeasured amount and hope it was close enough. She ate it, so I guess it was! She got one shot and an oral vaccine and is doing just fine. She didn't get her evening nap tonight so she went to bed about a half hour early - we'll see how that goes. And as of last night, she's sleeping in her own room. I decided the pack n' play mattress she was sleeping on in our room wasn't comfortable and that's why she (and her momma and daddy) haven't been sleeping well. Last night seemed to go better. She woke up twice to eat and two other times, but those other times she put herself back to sleep before she started crying. So that's what we are working on. Sorry no pictures - will get some soon! Oh yeah - and Dr. D. said we can start trying cereal and/or strained/mashed fruits or vegetables. I'm not sure we're quite ready for that - will probably wait a month or so. But how exciting!