Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, March 23, 2009

Four Months

Today Elizabeth is 4 months old! Here's what she's doing:

1. Rolling from front to back! She knew today was her 4 month bday, so to celebrate she showed Mommy and Daddy how to roll from her tummy to her back! Like it was no big deal! We tried for a second time, and she told us she was done for the evening. But hopefully we'll get video later this week.

2. In addition to the new trick of rolling over, she's also lifting her head up so well. Overnight she seemed to go from hating tummy time because her face was pressed to the ground to being able to keep her head up and see what's around her.

3. She's eating 6 oz bottles (about half the time - the other half she'll stop after 3 or 4).

4. She can pet her kitties! (With our help, of course). She's grabbed on to Jack's fur twice now.

5. She doesn't like shoes. I don't know where she gets this from because I, of course, love shoes and her Daddy likes 'em quite a bit too. The ladies at her school are amazed and say she's the only baby they know that can kick off her Robeez soft soled shoes.

6. She doesn't like socks either.

7. She hates having her fingernails trimmed. Trimming the baby fingernails is the hardest thing about being a parent so far. I've finally figured out that if I wait until she's asleep in my lap, I can do it. But then they grow overnight and need it the next day!

8. She still loves her friends (mobile over her crib).

9. No, she's not sleeping through the night. Not even close. She'd been getting up twice - about midnight and 4:00 am, but this week she's getting up at 10:30, 1:30 and 4:30. And not really wanting to eat. Just wanting to say hello!

10. She's such a happy baby! She only fusses now when she's sleepy and usually only for a short time until we can get her to sleep. But anytime you smile at her, she smiles right back and giggles too. Especially in the morning. She loves morning time!

It's hard to believe she's a 1/3 of a year old! She's changing everyday and is such a sweet little girl!